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tnglogo v11This has to be one of the most anticipated and exciting new features for TNG: to manage your DNA results.  It is important enough to have its own administration tile on the Administration page.

If you are not doing DNA testing, just skip past this article.

Visitors to your site can check out the DNA Tests link on your homepage Info tab.  Or you might advertise the DNA feature by a sentence or two on the homepage welcoming message.  Here is an early example from my Benedict site.

DNA 01This is the first page a visitor will find when they click on “DNA Tests”.  Your test type, number, the vendor and the person who took the test is listed here.  Note that my two testers are living individuals, whose names will not be revealed on this site (by admin settings).  One test is for me and the other was carried out by my first cousin.  Okay, let’s click on one of the test numbers: #30304 (mine).

DNA 02

More information is viewable, such as the STR marker count and the haplogroup.  This test is linked to four individuals (actually only three – I did a correction on this), one is living, me, and two are deceased and identified.  Albert Charles Benedict, my dad is there, as is my grandfather, Peter George Benedict.

DNA 03Fine stuff.  Now, what can my contributors edit?

Go to the Admin Panel and find the new DNA Tests tile.

The DNA Tests page will list all of your tests in the Search tab.  You can filter down by test type.  The Add New tab opens up a page for adding your new DNA tests.  Let’s just click on the Edit button on the list line for my own DNA test to see the same page.

DNA 04Fill in the DNA test information as best you know at this time.  The first four boxes should be self-explanatory.

The Person who took this test might not be in your TNG data tables just yet, so add that person if you can, otherwise defer this step for now.

The next four boxes are optional.  For some of us, we might need to brush up on our DNA knowledge before tackling these lines.







DNA 05You can add notes and relevant external hyperlinks into the next two boxes.

The next important entry is in the People Linked by this Test.  Now you tie your peoples to the DNA results.

For my own example, I have myself and the next older two male generations for this Y-DNA test (my cousin is linked to the other test).  When you go to these ancestors’ individual pages, you will now see a section on DNA displayed.  If you have mtDNA or autosomal DNA test results, they can be entered and displayed in the same method.

If you are a manager of a DNA project, as I am, this TNG feature becomes a powerful way to organize both your surname study and all submitted DNA results in your DNA project